- Penetration Testing
A Penetration Test, or pen test, is an authorised test to assess the security of your IT infrastructure and identify any weak spots in your system’s defenses. It allows you to identify and mitigate risks and vulnerabilities – before hackers can discover and exploit them.
Done in a safe and controlled environment, a pen test employs a dynamic approach to simulate real world attacks by mimicking the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of real world attackers. The procedure will allow our certified consultants to identify and validate exploitable vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, and recommend the necessary next steps to improve your defense and prevent such an intrusion in the future.
Techlab’s Pen Test is a two-step process that includes an initial assessment of your IT infrastructure before performing a series of suitable penetrations tests on your IT infrastructure. We offer a variety of penetration testing options, including network pen test, system pen test, application pen test, database pen test, and physical pen test.